USP 797 Finalized?

on the radar alert

The United States Pharmacopeia announced earlier this week that the revisions to both USP Chapter 795 and USP Chapter 797 will be released on November 1, 2022. The revised standards will be published on the USP-NF website:  It is expected that these revisions will solidify the Chapter revisions that were initially published in June 2019 and then further revised and published in September 2021.   Keep in mind that the adoption of the revised Chapter 797 will also address Chapter 800 on hazardous medication management.

An additional comment period on the revisions is not expected. An effective date has not been announced.

Courtemanche & Associates will continue to monitor for the release of the documents and post them to our website.

2 thoughts on “USP 797 Finalized?”

  1. Is it OK to start an CSP that has a BUD that is before the CSP is fully infused. For example; if the CSP has a BUD of 12-25 @ 1000. The dose is due at 0900 and is set to infuse over 120 minutes.

  2. Jacob, Thank you for reading our alert and submitting your question to us. Your inquiry is very technical in nature and we would advise you to contact the USP with your question.

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