Life Safety Evaluation

Life Safety, Physical Environment & Emergency Management Compliance

Life Safety Evaluation

Your job is to keep your organization safe and prepared for any emergency situation. This can be a challenge when you are balancing the day-to-day demands of your job. That’s when C&A can help.

Our Physical Environment and Life Safety consultants can evaluate your current compliance, and assist you in developing and implementing all aspects of emergency management infrastructure and planning. Your success means more than a piece of paper; it means the well-being and safety of an entire hospital.

Your Physical Environment, Emergency Management & Life Safety Support includes the following, with other specialized services offered for each of these sub-sets:

Education Standards

Education on current and challenging standards


Facilitated implementation of compliance strategies


Support of hazard vulnerability analysis process

Assessment of Safety Committee

Assessment of Safety Committee and management structures


Evaluation and recommendations for Plans, Annual Evaluations and associated policies

Ready to learn how C&A can help you achieve accreditation & regulatory success?

Ready to get started? Request a proposal today.

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