CMS Compliance

Stay Ready & Prepared for CMS Compliance Pre and Post Survey

We Can Help

Immediate Jeopardy? Validation Survey? Termination Track? Termination of Medicare Provider Agreement? When Medicare Conditions of Participation (CoPs) deficiencies arise, healthcare organizations must rebound quickly to avoid unexpected consequences related to their provider agreements to prevent loss of revenue. With more than 50% of an organization’s revenue coming from Medicare, compliance with the CoPs is critical. Call us when deficiencies arise.

CMS Immediate Jeopardy

When an organization receives Immediate Jeopardy from CMS for concerns related to the Medicare Conditions of Participation (CoPs) and alleged patient safety concerns, several action steps must take place to rectify the situation and ensure that the organization is able to maintain its Medicare Provider status. C&A collaborates with leaders to navigate hospitals through survey sanctions and prepare staff for survey success.

CMS Mock Survey

A CMS mock survey will help you get ahead of the curve. Every CMS mock survey is different, and C&A customizes every agenda, being sure that your areas of strength and vulnerabilities are carefully charted. This kind of assessment can provide you with the much-needed direction to help you galvanize your organization for survey.

CMS Post-Survey Support

Have you just experienced a CMS survey and now are faced with developing and implementing corrective actions? C&A, through our post-survey support, can guide you through the process, assist with the development of corrective actions, evaluate implementation and foster successful survey outcomes.

CMS Surveys are on the Rise

Did you know? CMS surveys are on the rise – 100% of complaints are investigated; 90% of allegations; 5% of look-backs, or validation surveys. The stakes are high, yet successful achievement is often a struggle. It is imperative to stay on top of the 24 Conditions of Participation and be ready for the intense scrutiny that accompanies a CMS survey.

Through traditional onsite consulting services as well as innovative virtual consulting methods, our expert consulting team can help your organization with:

CMS Mock Surveys
Follow-Up Support After Your CMS Visit
Preparation for Survey
Policy & Document Review
Onsite & Virtual Staff Educational Programs
Crisis Response

Ready to get started? Request a proposal today.

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