CMS Quality, Certification, and Oversight (QCOR) Survey Reports

on the radar alert

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services posts onsite survey reports by State Survey Agencies on their Survey and Certification website titled S&C’s Quality, Certification, and Oversight Reports (QCOR). The website retains survey reports of substantial noncompliance for the last six months to increase transparency of the survey process. For the period 11/1/2022 to 5/1/2023, frequently cited deficiencies were noted under the Patient Rights and Nursing Services Conditions of Participation. Organizations are encouraged to review their processes and systems that relate to staff monitoring of high-risk patients, incident investigations, and infection control practices such as surgical instrument management. Through our Courtemanche and Associates Blog, we will highlight shifts in focus areas and findings to assist with regulatory compliance for safe patient care practices.

The August 22, 2017 CMS Memorandum on QCOR can be found at this link:

Please contact Courtemanche and Associates for questions and regulatory assistance at 704-573-4535 or

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