Access complimentary regulatory and accreditation resources, tools, tracers, policy checklists and other key aids to facilitate ongoing success for Healthcare Professionals.
1:1 Monitoring for Suicidal Risk Patient Competency Checklist
This tool template is designed to ensure that your competency assessment documentation meets the intent of the competency assessment process. Simply populate the tool with the key steps of the skills you are assessing and follow the directions on the form.
Accu-Check II Cleaning and Disinfecting Competency Tool
Failure to properly clean and disinfect your Blood Glucose Monitoring equipment can result in Immediate Threat level findings. This competency tool is designed to assess staff’s ability to properly manage the Accucheck-II equipment.
Ambulatory Care Patient Tracer
Designed as a Universal tool for ambulatory care settings, utilize this tool to assess your Hospital-based or Free-Standing Ambulatory Care Operations for compliance with the CMS Conditions of Participation.
Anesthesia Tracer Tool
This tool is designed specifically to address all of the CMS Conditions of Participation and Accrediting Organization requirements for Anesthesia Management of the Patient.
Breast Milk Management Competency Assessment Tool
This tool template is designed to be integrated into your competency assessment program or the management of breast milk. Established indicators are designed to address key quality and safety areas.
CareFusion Surgical Clippers Cleaning & Disinfecting Competency Tool
This tool template is designed to ensure that your competency assessment documentation meets the intent of the competency assessment process. Simply populate the tool with the key steps of the skills you are assessing and follow the directions on the form.
CDC Essential Elements of a Reprocessing Program for Flexible Endoscopes – Recommendations of the HICPAC
Flexible endoscope cleaning is a highly complex, essential process. Organizations must have a reliable system for endoscope reprocessing which minimizes infection risks. This guidance document from the CDC will assist your organization in establishing a step-by-step robust process that reduces or mitigates rick of infection and improves patient outcomes.
Competency Assessment Template
This tool template is designed to ensure that your competency assessment documentation meets the intent of the competency assessment process. Simply populate the tool with the key steps of the skills you are assessing and follow the directions on the form.
Competency Program Review and Human Resource File Review Tool
Competency Programs are one of the most important influencers of patient safety. Targeting key topics for discussion with Organizational Leaders, this tool is designed to help prepare your Human Resource/ Education and other key Leaders on key topics that lead to a successful Competency Program and Management of.
Considerations Malignant Hyperthermia Drills
This tool is designed with a touch of assessing risk and stimulating thought for when you are designing your malignant hyperthermia drill process. |
Contracting for Care, Treatment & Services Policy Template
This policy is designed to ensure your policy addresses all of the required elements per The Joint Commission Standards. Download the tool and personalize it for your organization.
Crash Cart Tracer Tool
Understanding and complying with your organization’s Crash Cart Management Process is vital to patient safety. Use this tool to trace compliance within your organization.
Endoscope Cleaning-Disinfecting-Storage Tracer Tool
Utilize this tool to assess your Sterile Processing Department for compliance with the CMS Conditions of Participation and Accrediting Organization Requirements related to the care of surgical instruments.
Essential Contract Addendum Template for Healthcare Providers
Organizations continue to work on embedding performance expectations into their contracts. This tool condenses all of accreditation/regulatory requirements into one easy to use contract addendum potentially eliminating the need to renegotiate an entirely new contract.
Exergen Temporal Thermometer Competency Tool
This tool template is designed to ensure that your competency assessment documentation meets the intent of the competency assessment process. Simply populate the tool with the key steps of the skills you are assessing and follow the directions on the form.
Eyedrop Instillation Competency
This tool is designed to ensure that your competency assessment documentation meets the intent of the competency assessment process. Simply populate the tool with the key steps of the skills you are assessing and follow the directions on the form.
Glucometer Management Tracer Tool
This tool template is designed to ensure that your competency assessment documentation meets the intent of the competency assessment process. Simply populate the tool with the key steps of the skills you are assessing and follow the directions on the form.
Hazardous Chemical Use Tracer Tool
Proper management of hazardous chemicals keeps patients, staff and visitors safe. This tool will help you to assess compliance with the most current requirements.
Human Resources File Review Checklist
The HR File Review Checklist is designed to provide you with a comprehensive list of the documents needed to substantiate compliance with regulatory and accreditation standards.
Last Minute Survey Checklist
Our last-minute survey checklist contains many of the most common survey findings that are easily correctable. Use this list as a last-minute survey checklist or as a guide to daily survey readiness operations.
LLD, HLD and Instrument Processing
This tool template is designed to ensure that your competency assessment documentation meets the intent of the competency assessment process. Simply populate the tool with the key steps of the skills you are assessing and follow the directions on the form.
Managing Fail Cycles, Spills and Maintenance of the Trophon Competency Tool
Proper skills in the maintenance of your Trophon equipment is essential to patient safety. This tool provides the detailed criteria to which staff must be competent in order to safely use the Trophon.
Medical Equipment Tracer Tool
Specifically designed to meet the needs of Quality and Accreditation/regulatory personnel to guide them through a thorough assessment of their organization’s Medical Equipment Management Process based upon the CMS Conditions of Participation and Accrediting organization requirements.
Medical Staff Credentialing/Privileging Program Review Tool
Targeting key topics related to the management of the Medical Staff, this tool is designed to help prepare your Leadership team for interactions with your Accrediting Organizations or CMS Survey team.
Moderate Sedation Tracer Tool
This tool is designed specifically to address all of the CMS Conditions of Participation and Accrediting Organization requirements for Patients Undergoing Moderate Sedation.
Personal Protective Equipment Donning-Doffing Competency Tool
Designed to promote the assessment and documentation of competency, this tool contains core skills associated with the donning and doffing of Personal Protective Equipment and can be used to assess these skills in any staff member.
Point of Use Cleaning Tracer Tool
A problematic area often cited on surveys, this tool is designed to walk the user through the process to be followed for cleaning equipment at the point of use.
QA-PI Plan Attachment- Gap Analysis and Risk Assessment Approaches
Assessing Risks and the risk assessment process is a staple of our QA-PI programs. This tool is designed to help you describe the process within your QA-PI Plan.
Risk Assessment Tool – Generic
Assessing risk is the latest strategy for organizations to utilize to set priorities. This tool is designed to facilitate that assessment regardless of the situation/ process you are evaluating.
Sample Educational Workplace Violence Template
This tool is designed specifically to assist the organization in designing an Education and Training Program for Workplace Violence and ensure that all of the CMS Conditions of Participation and Accrediting Organization requirements are met.
Sharps Use Tracer Tool
The Sharps Exposure Tracer Tool is designed to be used to conduct a comprehensive assessment to your Sharps Exposure plan.
Surgical Instrument InspectionTool
Utilize this tool to assess your Sterile Processing instrument inspection process to ensure compliance with the CMS Conditions of Participation and Patient Safety.
Survey Readiness Execution Checklist
This checklist accounts for 16 components and the necessary tasks required for survey readiness.
TJC Required Plans-Policies-Documents List
Formatted in an easy-to-use document, this list contains the most current documents that your organization must have ready for the surveyors from the moment they enter your organization.
Trophon Use Competency Tool
This tool template is designed to ensure that your competency assessment documentation meets the intent of the competency assessment process. Simply populate the tool with the key steps of the skills you are assessing and follow the directions on the form.
SAMHSA Useful Resources on Opiod Overdose Prevention
This resource provides a summary of the Opioid Crisis Management Strategy set for by SAMHSA and can be used to determine and design your organizations focus area for fighting the Opioid Epidemic.
Workplace Violence Sample Education & Training Plan Design
This tool is designed specifically to assist the organization in designing an Education and Training Plan for Workplace Violence and ensure that all of the CMS Conditions of Participation and Accrediting Organization requirements are met.