Nurses Make a Difference 

Nurse caring for patient

Nurses make a difference everyday as trusted advocates for their patients and safe healthcare practice. May 6-12 is recognized as National Nurses Week so, what better time to celebrate the remarkable contributions of our nurses who tirelessly work, day in and day out devoting themselves to patient care. This year more than ever, we should pause to show our appreciation and gratitude for these amazing caregivers, recognizing the positive impact they make on the healthcare system every day and the incredible role they have had in keeping our patients safe in the face of overwhelming challenges from the ongoing public health emergency.

Nurses work diligently to ensure individuals, families, and populations receive quality patient care and services. They are instrumental by influencing and shaping health policy decisions that ensure all Americans have access to high-quality, affordable health care coverage. They make a difference that we, as healthcare consumers, experience every day.

How can we make a difference for our Nurses? It's important that as leaders, peers, supporters, and family members, we make the effort to listen to them, to better understand their needs and challenges they are facing so we can best sustain them. The American Nurses Foundation, Pulse on the Nation's Nurses COVID-19 Survey Series: COVID-19 Impact Assessment Survey – The Second Year, January 2022 can provide a snapshot on what nurses are experiencing. This survey builds upon past surveys and includes questions on mental health and well-being, financial impact, access to PPE, perceived organizational support, and intent to leave. Follow this link to view the survey page: You can access previous surveys from this page for comparison.

As Nurses make a difference in our lives, it is our responsibility to make a difference in theirs; to ensure they know they are respected, appreciated, and heard.

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